The Client
Ahora Vuelvo Mama is a Spanish company whose main objective is to revolutionize the concept of one-day travels. During 2019 they reached more than 8000 passengers.

The Need
The idea was born from one of its founders after his girlfriend gave him a round trip to Paris in the same day. In the Spanish market there was no player that offered integral solutions for this kind of one-day trips. The business model was then worked on and refined as a final degree project until they needed to make it a reality. It was at that moment when they came to us with the need to think, plan, design and develop their custom web platform allowing users to book same-day round-trip flights, ending the limitations of their city.

The Solution
We worked alongside Rica Design during the whole design and development stages with the goal of creating a straightforward, simple, yet entertaining tool that reflects the passion of sharing. As for the Frontend, we decided to create a PWA with Vue.js obtaining as a result an extremely lightweight and flexible application. On the backend side, we developed an MVC application usign Laravel.